
Posts Tagged ‘count’

A Gentleman in Moscow by Amor Towles

I am deeply enthralled with this story events and protagonist sets an amazing example of essence, morale, audacity to me. Alexander the count is house-arrested and left confined within the Metropol hotel perimeters. The lonesome walks of life with a social ennui is captivated by the infirm at large. It leaves a permanent scar of reading a spellbinding book and will provoke to poke into the author’s prior contributions. This statement left me astonished by the profound meaning inside – “What sort of divinity, he seemed to be thinking, would devise a world in which an aging man’s malady afflicts the very attribute that has set him apart from his fellow men and elevated him in the eyes of all? What sort of divinity, Emily? The very same who rendered Beethoven deaf and Monet blind. For what the lord giveth, is precisely what he come through later to taketh away.”. Truly enacted like a gentleman!

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